How to Stay Organized and Manage Your Time as an Entrepreneur
“If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln
Being a successful entrepreneur means you have to stay organized and manage your time effectively. Otherwise, you’ll get overwhelmed and won’t be able to do everything you want to do. You’ll also be working too long and not have time for anything else in your life.
I remember many years ago trying to spin way too many plates and feeling totally overwhelmed. I was working part-time at my church, while home-schooling my two kids, trying to keep up with all the regular household chores, and working on my online business. I was feeling very stressed and unhappy which had a negative effect on my marriage which (as you might surmise) led to even more stress. I finally came to my senses and decided to cut down on some of my responsibilities but not before I picked up some tips for being more productive.
Here are five tips for staying on top of it all to make the most out of your time as an entrepreneur:
Write down everything you have to do for the day (or week).
This was what helped me the most. I wrote down everything I could think of that needed to be done for the week and carried this paper with me wherever I went. Then as stuff got done, I happily marked it off and went on to the next item. Keeping a list will help you stay focused and prevent unnecessary stress or procrastination.
Get Rid of the Clutter
While this may not be true for everyone, having an organized home offers many benefits. Yes, you’ll have neat surroundings but you may also find that you have more energy, a better outlook on life as well as a decrease in your stress levels. I know that when I keep my home organized (especially the kitchen) it seems like I have more time and I’m more productive. One reason for this is because I don’t have to spend hours looking for things–everything has a home and it’s easier for me to stay focused on what I’m doing.

Don’t over-commit.
Besides your regular work- your job, housework, children, etc. there are so many things that you could get involved in. Your friend needs help painting her house, your sister needs someone to watch her children, your church is looking for someone to be in charge of this year’s picnic, etc.
Before saying “yes,” to the opportunities that come your way, consider whether it’ll cause you to you feel overwhelmed or if you’ll have to say “no” to something else you’ve already committed to.
Use One Calendar or Planner
Only use one calendar for scheduling. This is easier to manage and less confusing. Whether using digital or paper, put all upcoming appointments, events, important birthdays, etc. on one calendar. Every year I buy a calendar with big spaces and keep it on my refrigerator. That way the whole family can check it before they make any commitments.
Delegate Tasks
Don’t try to do everything yourself. Instead, delegate tasks to others if possible or outsource them if necessary. For example, we pay our daughter to do the weekly cleaning, as well as any extra cleaning that comes up. This frees up some of my time, so I can focus on my writing and graphic design projects. As an entrepreneur, you don’t have the time to do everything by yourself, so ask for help.
Put Some Fun into Your Life
Watch a funny show, sit on the back porch and drink a cup of tea, go for a bike ride- whatever you enjoy doing. It may feel like you’re wasting time but you won’t ever feel fulfilled if all you do is work. Even science backs me on this one. It’s been shown that having fun improves our memory and our ability to concentrate and also lowers our stress levels. So… do 2 or 3 things that YOU enjoy every day even if you only take a few minutes to play a game on your phone or to put some lotion on your feet. Go ahead and put it on your to-do list. Make it a priority.
By implementing these tips, you’ll be able to stay organized and manage your time more effectively as an entrepreneur. This will benefit your business and help you to maintain a healthy work-life balance and enjoy the freedom of being your own boss. Try to always stay focused on your goals and prioritize what’s the most important. With proper organization and time management, you can reach new levels of success in your business endeavor.