No matter what niche you are in, information product ideas are always at your fingertips, if you know where to look. Think about what your customers are buying and reading right now.
Analyze Current Content
Using analytics software like Google Analytics, find out what your most read blog posts are. What topics are they about? Is the content deep or wide? If it’s deep, can it be repurposed into an eCourse? If it’s wide can you take one point of the content and make it deeper?
What’s Selling Now?
If you already sell products, what’s selling now? If it’s wide content, meaning it covers a large breadth of information about the topic, is there a way to create new deeper, meaning more targeted and narrow, content from it? Is there a next step to the content that is selling?
What Are They Buying from Your Competition?
It’s wise to know something about your competition. What are they selling? What are they promoting? What are they writing about that’s getting a lot of engagement? Without copying, you can get information products ideas of things your audience wants by studying your competition.
What Questions Is Your Audience Asking?
Any question you get about a product or about a topic is fodder for an information product. Look through content that you’ve already created or purchased in the form of PLR. If you already have some of the content, it’ll make creating the product much faster.
What Products Can Go Deeper?
When you want to go deeper with the information, you need to start with content that is broad. Look at the products you already have. Which ones can be dug into a little deeper? For example, if you have an information product that describes 21 ways to get more traffic, which one of those 21 ways can be dove into explicitly. For example, if one idea is to use Facebook Ads, if you have the expertise, you can expand on how to run Facebook Ads to get more traffic.
Which Products Can Go Wide?
If you already sell products that are laser-focused on specific ways to do something, then you can always develop an overview product. For example, if you have a website that promotes a specific diet such as the low-carb diet, you can create an information product that includes all the reasons to eat low carb. That would give your audience a good overview.
Get Organized
To ensure that product creation goes smoothly, it’s important to get organized. You can use old-fashioned notebooks, or software like Evernote, or even mind maps to map out the information products you want to create. The important thing is to keep everything organized so it’s easy to work on it when you schedule it.
Finding good information product ideas won’t take long if you pay attention to the content you publish that’s doing well and getting good engagement. Take a look at your stats and see which blog posts are getting the most traffic. Also look at the comments on your social media networks, and even email responses you’ve recieved. These are all ways to come up with information product ideas that will sell.
Going Above and Beyond: Unique Places To Turn Content Into Products
Don’t start thinking that the only place to look for content ideas is your blog. You really have so many unique places to find ideas of content that you can turn into information products. Let’s look at a few ideas.
Email Comments & Replies
When you send emails out to your audience ensure that they can easily reply by clicking “reply” to your email. Ask them questions that they’ll want to answer with a reply. Then, use their replies and your questions as the basis for a new information product.
Email Content
Any content you’ve already created for email messages can also be used in an information product. Since emails are usually laser targeted on one issue and often designed to send readers back to your website or blog, often you can expand on the information more to create longer content that can be used in an information product.
Online Conversations
Anytime you have a conversation with anyone about your niche there is probably good information in there to use in your next information product. When you are online talking to people who are in your audience pay extra attention to information that could lead to knowledge about a problem that can be solved with a content-based information product.
In Person Conversations
Even in-person events and the conversations you have with others can be fodder for new information products. Make a practice of taking notes of interesting conversations afterward so that you can use the information in your next product.
Forum Posts
Join forums where the people you want to reach hang out. Don’t just look at the main posts, check out the comments too. Sometimes, what people say in the comments can spark ideas for new things you could create.
Social Media Posts
Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, people like to post information. When you find posts about or directed to your target audience, read it. It may spark an idea for a new product. When you check social media posts, don’t forget to read the comments too. The comments, especially those from your followers, can tell you if they find the information in the post helpful.
Screen Shots
Keep in mind that content goes beyond mere text. You can gather material for your information products by capturing screenshots from websites, social media, and anything else relevant to your audience’s interests.
Good info product ideas are literally everywhere. Soon you’ll learn that content for information products is easy to develop because your audience is literally asking for the content. When you see them asking, you have no choice but to give it to them.
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