What is assemblage art? According to ¹Wikipedia, the definition of assemblage art “is an artistic form or medium usually created on a defined substrate that consists of three-dimensional elements projecting out of or from the substrate. It is similar to collage, a two-dimensional medium. It is part of the visual arts, and it typically uses found objects, but is not limited to these materials.”
²Encyclopædia Britannica states that assemblage art is “work produced by the incorporation of everyday objects into the composition. Although each non-art object, such as a piece of rope or newspaper, acquires aesthetic or symbolic meanings within the context of the whole work, it may retain something of its original identity. The term assemblage, as coined by the artist Jean Dubuffet in the 1950s, may refer to both planar and three-dimensional constructions.”
In other words, the definition of assemblage art is a piece of art created by using three-dimensional objects, not usually seen as art, that protrude from the base. The objects can be natural or found items. Things that are often seen in assemblage art are items from nature such as twigs, feathers, stones, pieces of driftwood, shells, dried floral materials etc. Man-made objects that might be used in assemblage art include things like pieces of fabric, computer parts, rusty nails, dolls and other toys. There is no end to the possibilities. You can literally find materials for your art anywhere. Cleaning out closets, attics or garages will be fun if you use it as an opportunity to find “treasures” to use in your assemblages.
The base of the art may or may not be a canvas. Some people adhere objects to things such as clocks, statues, figurines and totally change the look. My father-in-law is an assemblage artist. I look forward to visiting him because I like to see what new thing he’s decorated. On one wall he has a clock beautifully embellished with gemstones, a metal peacock wall decoration has been “beautified” with colorful gems and paint, vases are spray painted gold. He even painted a football to be put on display in his living room. Needless to say, I find it all very inspiring.
To me, the definition of assemblage art is not complete without talking one of the most fun things to do as an assemblage artist, that is to to take something ordinary, something that’s hardly noticeable, something that’s destined for the trash and turning it into an (almost) stunning piece of art. Imagine taking an old shoe and instead of throwing it in the trash (which is what most reasonable people would do), you paint it and embellish it with glitter and gems and it looks so awesome, your daughter asks if she can have it. Hmmm….
The term assemblage art was coined in the early 1950s, when artist and sculptor, Jean Dubuffet made several collages using butterfly wings, which he called, “assemblages d’empreintes.” Assemblage can also be known as found object art, sculpture, or bricolage.
Check out some assemblage art books to get you started.
¹Wikipedia contributors, “Assemblage (art),” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Assemblage_(art)&oldid=789560750 (accessed August 28, 2017)
²Contributors, The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica, “Assemblage,” Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. Published September 26, 2011, https://www.britannica.com/art/assemblage (accessed August 28, 2017)